[Q] Online play with pcsx2?
I've a small question. Is is possible to play game online using pcsx2? I am looking to play a few, what you can call, arcade style games like tekken 5 etc with a friend or two. There was some p2p kaillera or something plugin I forgot for playstation one emulator. I know pcsx2 has nothing to do with playstation 1 emulator, I am just giving example, that p2p play sort of thing.
So if anyone can help/point me in right direction, I'll be very thankful. any help is all welcome. Smile

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It's in the FAQ...
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I can't seem to get past WinDip --> Scan File --> Verify step. It is failing verification I guess. What is wrong?
what is the extension on your iso? It's possible windip doesnt support that iso format, unless you are mounting the iso then pointing windip to the files, in which case you're doing it completely wrong ;p
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Extension on iso file I am trying is .iso. Smile And no, if I mount the iso in some say daemon tool, WinDip won't even read my file. I am simply browsing to the file and selecting it in WinDip. Any hints?
Hmm does Tekken 5 even have an online mode? I dont think it has, which would explain a lot (sorry, i skim read the OP).

You want a remote player control thing, which im not sure what you could do im afraid. There may be PS1 style solutions available that might work, but im not going to give you any false hope that there is a definate solution.
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So..you meant to say that only games that have an online mode can be played online? I remember one game, Syphon Filter the omega strain that I saw online play in. What I was looking for was plain 1 vs 1 matches, likes that you can play on one console with two controllers, but with a friend over internet using something like Hamachi. I'm gonna try to find a game that has online play and try to scan -> verify. I guess you is quite right refraction, but just to confirm stuff.
Thanks. Smile
you are correct im afraid!! I havent personally tried what you wish to attempt before myself, so i wish you luck ;p
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