I'm mcv and i am an old member of this site..
I believe this forum would be much better with some changes.
I am also a member of the jpcsp forum, and i think in some ways that forum is better...
for example if you want to post there a youtube video you have to only post the a video link but here i always have to use this [/youtube]. It's a little bit boring to do this always and always.
Futhermore the picture preview is also much bettter.
"click on a pic you will understad".....
Please Moderator do soething wih these
I'm mcv and i am an old member of this site..
I believe this forum would be much better with some changes.
I am also a member of the jpcsp forum, and i think in some ways that forum is better...
for example if you want to post there a youtube video you have to only post the a video link but here i always have to use this [/youtube]. It's a little bit boring to do this always and always.
Futhermore the picture preview is also much bettter.
"click on a pic you will understad".....
Please Moderator do soething wih these