Question about software mode
hi I am tryng to properly set the software mode for use the games that has bugs using hardware rendering and dont work on my old ps2 using open loader. How do I exactly have to set the extra thread for get good performance my current specs are
I3 6100
RX460 windforce 4gb
16gb of ram drr4
Windows 10 pro

I will soon upgrade to a I5 7400 I want to know how to set the extra thread for it too. I am planing in playing the games in native resolution

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I'd say 3 in both case. But you'll probably won't get many benefits from it with your I3.
And that I5, pcsx2 wo,n't really be an upgrade since its STR is lower than your I3. But SW extra rendering threads will probably be more efficient.
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
thanks for the info I was going to get that I5 since it is the cheaper and decent intel for gaming I can get that is not a K model and the emulator is the second option since my ps2 still work whit open loader but for some reason games like Ace combat 5 and warship gunner refuse to work on open loader using SMB network mode
will it will make a diference wethen the I3 or the I5 on SW mode since timesplitters need it and I think berserk need it too
thanks for the help
It's hard to say.
To me, the performances will be equal from one CPU to another.
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
oh ok thanks for the info last time I tested timesplitters future perfect on software mode I was getting a average of 40 fps depending on how much stuff it was on the screen whit hardware mode I get 60 fps but the the graphical bugs render it unplayable and is I upgrade to I5 7600 will I see any diference?
thanks again for the help
more than if you take an i5-7400
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
(11-06-2017, 05:02 PM)jesalvein Wrote: more than if you take an i5-7400

thanks for the help I will see what I do the problem is that the rest of the I5 and I7 are overpriced were I live. I was also taking Ryzen 1500 in to acount but I think I will stay whit the I3 while I see is I can get the I5 7600
thanks for the help I will test whit the settings you told me about thanks

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