03-30-2009, 09:16 PM
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.5GHz
GeForce 8600
3.00 GB RAM
Vista SP1 32-bit OS
From what I have seen on youtube with demonstrations and from what I have read, my computer should easily be able to emulate games, even if the processor speed is slightly lacking.
I have been trying to run Final Fantasy X which I have read is a very suitable game for PCSX2 and that it is very easy to run at high speeds.
I have been trying to figure out what to do with plugins and I have read and also experimented to see what would be the best configuration but I can't seem to find one. When there is little going on, like in the intro screen or while I'm walking, I can run the game at over 180fps, but when a transition occurs it slows down to about 30fps and in random situations it will slow down as well and I can't seem to understand why. I have been using Gsdx because whenever I try Zero I end up getting errors with the geometry of the game, even when i use the plugin's FFX correction, so maybe I am not using the right configuration for those plugins, because I have read that Zero might make it run faster. Oh yeah, and I have also read that Linuzappz would make it run faster but I can't turn off Data Execution Prevention so I was wondering if there was something that needed to be done to bypass that.
I'll attach the configuration menu, any help would be tremendous and I thank it in advance.
GeForce 8600
3.00 GB RAM
Vista SP1 32-bit OS
From what I have seen on youtube with demonstrations and from what I have read, my computer should easily be able to emulate games, even if the processor speed is slightly lacking.
I have been trying to run Final Fantasy X which I have read is a very suitable game for PCSX2 and that it is very easy to run at high speeds.
I have been trying to figure out what to do with plugins and I have read and also experimented to see what would be the best configuration but I can't seem to find one. When there is little going on, like in the intro screen or while I'm walking, I can run the game at over 180fps, but when a transition occurs it slows down to about 30fps and in random situations it will slow down as well and I can't seem to understand why. I have been using Gsdx because whenever I try Zero I end up getting errors with the geometry of the game, even when i use the plugin's FFX correction, so maybe I am not using the right configuration for those plugins, because I have read that Zero might make it run faster. Oh yeah, and I have also read that Linuzappz would make it run faster but I can't turn off Data Execution Prevention so I was wondering if there was something that needed to be done to bypass that.
I'll attach the configuration menu, any help would be tremendous and I thank it in advance.