Rainbow studios games?
I can't get games made by Rainbow Studios (ATV Offroad Fury 2, Splashdown: Rides Gone Wild) to get into the game. Compat list shows menu for the 2 games, but for 0.9.6 version... well same seems to go for 0.9.8 and r5331 dev build.

Getting into a race:

ATV: slide-show-o-rama with "60fps"... then pretty much nothing.

Splash: black screen and FPS drops waaaay low (5fps)

Anyways curious as to what's going on behind the scenes that drives PCSX2 nuts.

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i believe refraction commented on rainbow studio games just recently, mentioning they are severely broken
(07-07-2012, 10:24 AM)Squall Leonhart Wrote: i believe refraction commented on rainbow studio games just recently, mentioning they are severely broken

no link, im going by memory and have dropped refraction a message to verify it when his bucks night is over (and he recovers from subsequent drunkeness)
(07-07-2012, 05:01 PM)Squall Leonhart Wrote: no link, im going by memory and have dropped refraction a message to verify it when his bucks night is over (and he recovers from subsequent drunkeness)

he is an Admin BTW .....
your point?
you cant just accuse an Admin to be alcoholic (that will be highly offensive specially if it's not true )

and he can ban you with a press of a button Laugh
abdo, READ: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bachelor_party
(07-07-2012, 05:30 PM)Squall Leonhart Wrote: abdo, READ: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bachelor_party

ohh i am sorry i don't know that this is the Australian word for that !!!

is refraction is really gettin married !!!!!!
Yes, we're losing another bro to a woman :sadface:

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