Resi Evil CVX compatibility
I just got my 0.9.6 PCSX2 working nicely, and I'm pleased to report that PAL copies of Resident Evil: Code Veronica X (SLES 50306) work fine. I think I'm about half way through the game.

I dunno if I needed to post a whole new topic about this, so I also want to know if there's a stickied topic for stuff like this.

Thanks Smile

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If you want to report that a game is playable, or just how it performs, the best way is to post screenshots/videos in this thread, and posting your specs and config is helpful for others too. That's pretty much the best way to find or provide info about how a game runs.
OS: Windows 7 64bit
CPU: Intel Core i7 3770K @3.5 GHz
RAM: 16GB DDR3 1600MHz
GPU: Nvidia GTX 680 2GB

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