(05-18-2013, 05:37 AM)Fayt756 Wrote: What is the difference in resolutions above 4x I can't notice any difference after 4x and what does Anti-Aliasing even do?
The best way to understand it is to think in the relation of quality enhancement vs resources consuming. the otimal point is around 3x or 4x, beyond this there is no significant quality increase (visual) but a huge resources demanding.
Besides, the monitor can't reproduce such high resolution and will downscale it, not the best of worlds. A monitor able to high resolution and a very powerful video card could see some gain but even then not that much.
The upscale is not the same as original high resolution which translates in "more details". The upscale can't make the image more detailed, all it does is making the image softer by reducing pixelation an lo, this is good. Just that beyond 4x the adjacent pixels are already interpolated and furter interpolation becomes too subtle to make significant difference, and this is for screenshots, with you looking attentively for details, things one hardly would even be aware while playing.
In the end is just the need to say "I can push it to the extremes, if it is the best or smart I don't know". If was a car you would probably ask if is advantageous running at high speed using 3rd gears with the engine above the optimal rotation, or cruising lightly at 4rth or 5th gears with nominal engine rotation.
PS: Notice that relation is constant, if you 2x upscale an already original high resolution you would see a significant improvement (supposing the monitor allows it), but beyond 4x the visual quality gain is so poor as upscaling original low resolution, even if the hardware could do it.