Resolved: [Bug Report] GSdx SSE2 missing layer
Since r5045 one layer is missing in Hardware mode. It could be seen practically on every game.
Dynasty Warriors: Gundam 2 - no bg under menu points, no thruster metter and radar(minimap) bg, can't see what mech you selected.
Capcom vs SNK 2 - black screen on game start and all menu screens are black.
Soul Calibur 3 - black bg on versus screen.
Disgaea - black bg on title screen, in area select.
Marvel vs Capcom 2 - no stage bg.

On r5068 it still same.

P.S. couldn't found where to change signature(silly me...) so post my specs image here:
[Image: 2198378.png]

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try it with the software renderer
In software mode layer is there on both r5045 and r5068, I should fix report.
Thumbs Up 
Issue fixed in r5075.
Gabest rules! Tongue
Thank you for your report.
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