Resolved: [Bug Report] PCSX2 swap disc broken
So the code you posted is basically reverting r5886? Tongue
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

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You guys want me to check my games I used back then?
The state I left this in allowed my PS2 games with multiple disks to disk swap but from reports I know that *everything else* didn't work Tongue2
(07-14-2014, 11:08 AM)rama Wrote: You guys want me to check my games I used back then?
The state I left this in allowed my PS2 games with multiple disks to disk swap but from reports I know that *everything else* didn't work Tongue2
yes, please do. or add a condition to "DoCDVDdetectDiskType()" for it to avoid rejecting PSX games while ingame already?

(07-14-2014, 02:02 AM)refraction Wrote: So the code you posted is basically reverting r5886? Tongue

Not completely, trying to find a better solution to it, that won't break other things at the same time I only PARTIALLY reverted it, I'm still trying to figure out why DVDs don't work
Best talk about it on IRC Smile
of course we can, just keeping others who may be following it here updated
I know i'm following, I've been dying to play Samurai Warriors Xtreme Legends, and Monster Rancher. So this is big news Tongue
Intel Core i7-8700k @5ghz
G.Skill 16GB DDR4 @3600mhz
GeForce GTX 1080 8GB
Windows 10 x64
Just an update to say this has an issue on github. I'll assign myself there.
It's possible if you do it on a real PS2 to get the code. It's just debugging which I can do via other input methods
Anything new on this? I was actually going to play MR4, but came across this issue. Disc swapping PS1 games worked fine before, now you cannot disc swap at all. Is the only solution to revert into older SVN?

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