Resolved: [Bug Report] PCSX2 swap disc broken
Version tested:
PCSX2 1.3.0.r5919  - compiled on Feb 28 2014
Savestate version: 0x9a0a0000
Version last known working on: 0.9.9r5128

Does anyone know why the PSX disc-swapping ingame got broken? It used to allow for PS1 games to be loaded into the emu if a game was currently going on, but recently this has changed and PCSX2 outright closes the emulation running and shuts down, why?

This breaks ALL playability of Monster Rancher games, as well as any game which relies on swapping for code from other discs (I don't know of many others, but I know that PSX games were usable as a buffer before)

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If you provide exact steps to reproduce (including memory card image if required), there's a much higher chance that it will get handled.

I tried to look into it once following similar claims of swapping which doesn't work (which I do believe BTW), but couldn't find a single exact sequence of steps to reproduce it, and I don't have 2-discs games myself so I never bumped into this issue.

- Which game? which region? what CRC?
- Which bios?
- How do I get to the swap-discs stage? (without playing through the whole first disc).

- Then what happens? Does it always happen the same? or only sometimes?

- What should have happened instead?

Provide these, and maybe this issue will finally get fixed.
1:Which game? which region? what CRC?
2: Which bios?
3: How do I get to the swap-discs stage? (without playing through the whole first disc).
1: ALL Monster Rancher games (and any other that uses swapping as MAIN forcus/mechanic)
2: doesn't matter
3: In Monster Rancher 3, main menu ingame: resurrect > saucer stone (not that is specific to this one game, other swapping games would work if it saw a PS1 disc first for a switch, but not always)

Quote:- Then what happens? Does it always happen the same? or only sometimes?
Select the internal ISO loader, load the game when it asks for a swap (and "ejects the DVD") select a new PS1 cd image. psx popup appears about only spporting PS2 games and not PS1 games. ALWAYS HAPPENS

Quote:- What should have happened instead?
It should have read the CD, and asked for the MR3 disc to be replaced, it then would load whatever data it read from the PS1 cd and generated from that data
I'm telling you what would help us look into it, with guiding questions which you can't misinterpret, and where the answers would be info which you should have and I don't, and yet you don't manage to provide the answers I asked for.

So here are few more questions we need answer to before we can look into it:

- Does the problem only happen with PS1 games? Only with PS2 games? both?
(07-10-2014, 09:22 AM)avih Wrote: - Does the problem only happen with PS1 games? Only with PS2 games? both?
maybe this will help answer questions better? (that's a 0.9.7 build, not a 0.8.2 build):

it was for a different reason, but shows what needs to be shown I believe
Are you trying to send me on a quest? or do you want to help me help you?

Read again all the questions I asked (that's every few words which end with a '?'), and answer each of them exactly please. If you find some questions hard to answer, let me know and I'll guide you further.

Just pick one case/game which doesn't work, and provide the answers for it. If it happens with more than one bios, then give me the details of one of them. Make sure all the details are correct, and that if you follow them you will see the problem (and so will I).

We can't fix the problem if we can't see it on a development PC (not on youtube), and you're not helping us reproduce it.
ok, we are going to pick Monster Rancher 3: "(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SLUS_201.90;1"

1: Load into this menu:
2: go to Regenerate
3: Select "Saucer Stone" > Yes > Yes
4: Change the ISO to ANY PSX game and press X

5: PCSX2 warning pops up:

What SHOULD happen is exactly what happens in the video (only this disc does not produce a golem, like tenchu 2 does, nor does it produce the "DVD" mochi either)
So it happens only when changing to a PS1 disk? I don't have any PS1 disks.

Do you know of a "proper" PS2 game which requires swapping disks (to another PS2 disk of the same game) which doesn't work?
(07-10-2014, 09:59 AM)avih Wrote: So it happens only when changing to a PS1 disk? I don't have any PS1 disks.

Do you know of a "proper" PS2 game which requires swapping disks (to another PS2 disk of the same game) which doesn't work?

Well, for one I know that Dynasty Warriors needs a swap with Xtreme Legends for extra content
You can find it in the github issue tracker.
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