Save file issue
Hey, I just started playing a couple ps2 games and my pc got a bug and was forced to format. So i wont loose my progress again where does the pcsx2 save the file done by a game. I was playing kingdom hearts 2 and could not for the life of me find the save file is so i could back it up. some help pleaseSad

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The memory cards and saves states are either in My Documents or in the pcsx2 folder
for some other reasons is your pcsx2 is located in a permissions folder e.g. "Windows","Users","Program Files" folder???
Main PC1:i5-4670,HD7770(Active!)
Main PC2:i5-11600K,GTX1660Ti(Active!)
PCSX2 Discord server IGN:smartstrike
PCSX2 version uses:Custom compiled buildĀ 1.7.0 64-bit(to be update regularly)
smartstk's YouTube Channel
Users isn't a permission bug folder Smile only Program Files and/or Windows itself (Excluded Directory is Temp ofcourse)
The documents folder is a premission bug folder and I think thats what he was talking about
It actually isn't Smile

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