I have PCSx2 up and running for mac, it starts of good when run the iso image of sly 3 honor among thieves, it loads, but when the actual game starts I get this screen:
(screen shot is attached)
Does anyone know what the problem is? or more importantly how it can be solved.
yeah im having a similar problem with this too when trying to play persona 4 and 3 fes the iso is running at 40-60 fps but the image is just to blurry to understand...maybe the videocard but i don't know..
03-27-2011, 11:14 PM (This post was last modified: 03-27-2011, 11:30 PM by jiraya.)
yes it think so too
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I have PCSx2 up and running for mac, it starts of good when run the iso image of sly 3 honor among thieves, it loads, but when the actual game starts I get this screen:
(screen shot is attached)
Does anyone know what the problem is? or more importantly how it can be solved.
Thanks in advance!
Try to turn of ZeroSPU recording :-)
And then post a screenshot again.
"Eventually you too will hear it, The Last Melody"