Silent Hill Shattered Memories "Broken" Graphic with the Flashlight
Hi there! I´m experimented a trouble with the Iso "Silent Hill: Shattered Memories". When I try to use the Flashlight the graphics "Broken" like this:

[Image: 2jh09i.png]

And when the let the FlasLight Off the game run normal...

[Image: 28km1si.png]

I experimented the same "Bug" In Silent Hill: Origins, but in these case, the game it´s still playable without the FlasLight. In Shattered Memories this element is VITAL Ohmy

Another rare bug is that the Movies [Intro, Cutscenes..etc] runs smooth but the in-game scenes runs very slow[with an slow audio as well]

Until now, I´m using this Video Plugin for the majority of the games and works quite fine: [Image: 1zwdjwj.png] [Except the SIlent Hill Games above mentioned]

Exist some plugin/patch/fix for these errors in the Silent Hill Series? How I can manage to run this titles without glitches?. Thank you in advance

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As it has been said many times before, that only works in GSdx software mode. Low speed is not considered a bug since it depends on your hardware
[Image: newsig.jpg]
Thanks for the answerd, Bositman, but what should I do for play the game correctly?. Simple change the Video Plugin to GSdx and let in "Default"? or set the GSdx to Direct X9?. In what mode? Softare, Hardware, null?.
(04-10-2013, 02:46 PM)UltimateOni Wrote: Thanks for the answerd, Bositman, but what should I do for play the game correctly?. Simple change the Video Plugin to GSdx and let in "Default"? or set the GSdx to Direct X9?. In what mode? Softare, Hardware, null?.

Just press F9 after you start loading the game, this will put GSDX in software mode. or just press F9 when you need to use the flash light, then press it again once you have finished to put it back in to hardware mode (F9 toggles between the two)
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

?? You need to set it to DX9 or 10/11 software mode to get that effect to show correctly. That's it
[Image: newsig.jpg]
Got it. Thanks to both Cool For the moment, and after changed to the DX9 Software mode I can play with the Flashlight Laugh [althoug now Harry speak in Super-Sloooooow motion Laugh but, at least the game is playable Happy]
the flashlight bug is impossible to fix right ?

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