Sly 3 Honour Among Thieves
So i gave Sly 3 a run, for some reason this game just wont run well. It is much faster in software then it is in hardware for some reason.
Looking here, people seem to have no trouble playing it.
Obviously when reading from the original disc it lags but converted to iso with imgburn, still lags to unplayable. On PS2 its full speed so its not the game itself.

CPU is an i5 3550 @ 3.3ghz/3.7ghz turbo, GTX560Ti (for the moment) and 8GB ram.
Game is running fast (atleast better) in DX9 and DX11, but the the entire screen has an blue/red stripe overlay.

Running latest 1.5 dev build, tried all other modes (openGL hardware being slowest), software faster but still under 20fps, DX11 and 9 full speed but the said problems.
Wonder why just this game and why it ran full speed for the ones reported on pcsx2 wikia with about the same hardware performance. With i7 @ 3.4Ghz that must be sandy or ivy, cant be that much diff from my quad ivy @ 3.3, not to the extend from full speed to unplayable Tongue
Running the PAL version (sweden), i suspect that being the problem, since theres no reports about that one.

I can run ratched and clank 3 full speed (feels like it atleast), which is said to be heavier.

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Found the problem, i was playing the mission 'än opera av skräck' (no idea what the level is in enlisch never played in other language) in 3D mode, in normal mode it lags in any hardware mode but software is just like on PS2 speed and no errors.
Begs the question, does the PS2 actually render this game in 3D? Is it that powerfull? The loading menu says 'use your 3d glasses).
Maybe the PS2 renders 2x 60fps (120FPS) and thats why my pc cant handle it full speed or PCSX2 doesnt support 3D mode?

More info on the 3D mode

I actually got the 3D glasses when buying sly 3 (came with it), on PS2 it didnt lag. Thought it was a cool feature.
Reason i discovered this was cause i had converted my save files yesterday and wanted to try some old games, save file was perhaps in a 3D Job mission.
You're thinking of the wrong type of 3d,I'm pretty sure polarised 3d wasn't around then, it probably used the red/blue glasses, which work fine at 30fps
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(04-16-2017, 05:40 PM)refraction Wrote: You're thinking of the wrong type of 3d,I'm pretty sure polarised 3d wasn't around then, it probably used the red/blue glasses, which work fine at 30fps

Hmm must be it, maybe thats why i get all these red and blue stripes in DX11 mode running 3D. If it was just red/blue, why is it so slow?
The game should be running slow anyway, the game doesn't run brilliantly, although it works better in opengl, the blue and red bars are a bug solved in opengl, not 3d
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

(04-16-2017, 05:52 PM)refraction Wrote: The game should be running slow anyway, the game doesn't run brilliantly, although it works better in opengl, the blue and red bars are a bug solved in opengl, not 3d

Should it? Ive had PCSX2 and my real PS2 side by side, they are the exact same speed when im running in DX11 mode (native). OpenGL is slower then PS2 though. Tested in several levels (have old save game), only issue is some flickering of the hud, apart from that, it runs full speed/no further errors.
The only game so far where DX11 is much faster then OpenGL Ok that explains, but its only when running in 3D mode that DX11/9 has the red and blue bars, not a real issue unless you want to play in 3D.

Any chance 3D gets fixed in DX mode? Im a hardware dude and know my way in networking and server, but coding for PCSX2 is beyond my scope so dunno at all if fixing something like that is easy or much of job Tongue
All i can do is matching them side by side and see if somethings off.
I didn't even know the game had a 3d mode!
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

(04-16-2017, 07:07 PM)refraction Wrote: I didn't even know the game had a 3d mode!

Not many PS2 titles have, works quit well in Sly 3 though. Infact the only real problem PCSX2 has with sly 3 is its 3D mode, just something with GSDX DX9/11 modes that give the blue and red bars.
I think those colored stripes have to do something with mipmapping. Not entirely sure though, I had a problem with stripes on Rachet Deadlocked and turning mipmapping on fixed it.
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Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
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