Smack down here comes the pain slowdown...
(04-14-2013, 04:33 PM)Yash the gamer Wrote: What i need to upgrade tell me

Your GPU.

Its the cause of your slowdowns.
[Image: jmt41l-2.png]
SSD: 250GB | HDD: 2TB | GPU: MSI GTX 970 4G Gaming

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(04-14-2013, 04:33 PM)Yash the gamer Wrote: What i need to upgrade tell me

Like the user above me said your GPU is the issue.
How many times do we have to tell you...?
(04-14-2013, 04:28 PM)Yash the gamer Wrote: Constant skkiping work but graphic are too bad
use math calculation,
you have to calculate how much frame to skip againts framerate and limiter. Try several time till you get correct speed. Less frame skip there will be less issue Smile. Again this is prove constant skipping is useless :|
Finally i upgrade my gpu to gtx 650 really give me small incresse in performance but i think there is no major difference b/w 610 and 650 abt perfomance...but 650 powerfull then 610
Wow a lot of people suggesting a hardware upgrade without even asking what your EE/GS/VU percentages were...

Well, may as well ask now... when your game is slowing down, what do those 3 percentages say (they are on the display window).
Ee=1x, vu rate=1x and gs plugin native resolution...

Mtvu ticked but not give me any speed increase..

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