09-14-2010, 05:18 PM
I was supposed to play Dark Cloud already but I just got 'lagged out' of the game. Well there's some quick indroduce to my problem:
When I open the game and play at the beginning, at that clear area where you place builidings and all that stuff then when I am looking around my FPS are dropping from 50 to 46, not much right ? But somehow I get big lags, not that big to be unable to play but Song is slowing down and all that crap, if anyone know the solution for this problem, just post there !
When I open the game and play at the beginning, at that clear area where you place builidings and all that stuff then when I am looking around my FPS are dropping from 50 to 46, not much right ? But somehow I get big lags, not that big to be unable to play but Song is slowing down and all that crap, if anyone know the solution for this problem, just post there !