Sonic Unleashed (pal, usa) [BUG REPORT AND FIX]
Hey all I'm new here BUT I'm not new in emulation and all that crap i actually ported my OWN pcsx2 0.9.6 to my mac os x 10.5.7 leopard since the original PORT sucked lol anyways that gsDX thing doesn't work so i use zeroGS anyways to the point

as you all know there is a bug in the pal, usa, jap versions (well technically not jap lmao) which is that text bug okay NOW i have a solution

follow the steps EXACTLY:

1. go to the main menu and select options

2. select the first option in the options menu

3. now select english and it will be fixed

now the problem is the pcsx2 automatically takes all versions as jap so it sets it as a jap games HOWEVER you do NOT need to keep doing this just let it save and then that's fixed now if you guys have any problems just tell me i can get every game in 5 minutes lol (since video ezy is like 1 minute away from my place and i just burn the games lmfao!) anyways so yeah just PM me or anything you know?

EDIT 1: THIS IS THE BUG!!! the green stripes.... when using zeroGS 0.97.1 since i can't use gsDX because it goes to a black screen on my mac look at my post in the FF XII i posted my specs there if you can help me sephi lool

have fun and keep the emulation alive!

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And how is this a PCSX2 bug? It sets the language of your BIOS, and for PAL games to set the proper language you need to boot the game from the bios via run->execute.
[Image: newsig.jpg]
(09-12-2009, 02:00 PM)Bositman Wrote: And how is this a PCSX2 bug? It sets the language of your BIOS, and for PAL games to set the proper language you need to boot the game from the bios via run->execute.

i just burnt the pcsx2 game from my original anyways it's a pal and i just had to set the language to english and yes this is a pcsx2 bug that enables that to happen in sonic unleashed.
(09-12-2009, 02:00 PM)Bositman Wrote: And how is this a PCSX2 bug? It sets the language of your BIOS, and for PAL games to set the proper language you need to boot the game from the bios via run->execute.

srry for double posting but i want to know where you moved my three topics and why you moved my MGS2 SoL one since that IS a pcsx2 bug?
Well you didnt make a real Bug report read the sticky if you want to make a proper one but you were asking for help anyways so it goes to support forums, also you can just click the thread that was moved from where you posted it and it should redirect you to the new location.

Your MGS2 SoL thread im not even sure what the problem is, it is slow? you can just wait unitl it's over no? not sure how that's a bug.
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(09-13-2009, 01:32 AM)Shadow Lady Wrote: Well you didnt make a real Bug report read the sticky if you want to make a proper one but you were asking for help anyways so it goes to support forums, also you can just click the thread that was moved from where you posted it and it should redirect you to the new location.

Your MGS2 SoL thread im not even sure what the problem is, it is slow? you can just wait unitl it's over no? not sure how that's a bug.

now im srry I'm like new here and i just wanted offer some help with my expertise also the MGS2 SoL bug went down to 0.1 FPS and takes 6 hrs to just get over with the cutscene and in that time i could finish the game on very easy...

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