Soul Calibur III - Shadow
Well, the question is simple:
Any progress or any future dated work to fix the shadow of characters and scenarios on Soul Calibur 3? We don't have ANY official release of this game on PS3 or PS4 and I really don't wanna buy a PlayStation 2 only for play SC3. Can I help with this?

-I7 3.8GHz.
-GTX 760


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admitting you don't have a ps2 will get you no help from the pcsx2 community because you admitting you did not take the bios of your own console and downloaded it. it is illegal here, please read the rules before you post

Intel® Core(TM2) Quad CPU Q9650 @3.00GHz
6.00 GB RAM
64 - bit Windows 7
ATI Radeon HD 3400 series

RaZiaL Was HeRe Ninja

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