As much as I expect people are getting annoyed with seeing these threads, I need some advice.
My specs: Intel Pentium P6100 Processor
Intel HD Graphics card
3GB DDR3 Memory
Windows 7 Ultimate OS
I'm running PCSX2 0.9.7 revision 3878
It's been completely defragmented and all non-essential services disabled.
I'm trying to play KH2:FM, the movies play perfectly at 60FPS (limited), but in-game with the real-time models it slows down to 30-40FPS.
Is there any way I can speed this up to even 50FPS, which would be playable for me? The listed speed-hacks seem to have no effect by the way.
My specs: Intel Pentium P6100 Processor
Intel HD Graphics card
3GB DDR3 Memory
Windows 7 Ultimate OS
I'm running PCSX2 0.9.7 revision 3878
It's been completely defragmented and all non-essential services disabled.
I'm trying to play KH2:FM, the movies play perfectly at 60FPS (limited), but in-game with the real-time models it slows down to 30-40FPS.
Is there any way I can speed this up to even 50FPS, which would be playable for me? The listed speed-hacks seem to have no effect by the way.