Speed trouble with an i7
No support for SVN builds... You use them, you're on your own because they aren't released for public consumption and many times they add as many bugs as they fix.

That said, GS at 100% does NOT NECESSARILY mean your GPU is maxed out, only that the GS CPU thread is maxed out. In some cases it's the CPU bottlenecking the thread because of too many D3D calls at once. Also GPU-Z shows the GPU utilization, but slowdowns can also be caused by the lack or memory/bandwidth... In which case the GPU itself is idling waiting for more data to get to it giving low utilization % but still having slowdowns.

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Owh, i've to use the official 0.9.8 ? Ok, sorry, i thought that all the SVN was released by the staff and he advised us to use them ^^" So it's my fault ! So sorry :x

I'll try with the official release and maybe try to overclock a bit my GPU, in particullary the memory Smile
Koji, Rezard, you're my god \o/

I've done a little update again, install the official pcsx2 and now, GS is near 15% in game and EE near 30%, and 50fps (pal game ^^)


Ps: my "shadow the colossus" is in a strange format ".mdf" it's as fast as .iso ? Or should i dump my own game to have a real iso ?

PPs: DQ 8 run as full speed now ! But EE is near 80% (and GS almost 25%) if i increase the resolution, GS will up and EE too or just GS ?
Some time ago I thought increasing the GS load (increasing resolution is a way to do so) could, possibly, help in these cases where the turbo bug tends to manifest. It's something I can't test since I don't have a turbo CPU. The reasoning being the turbo may not properly activate because the average load between EE and GS is low does not matter how high EE is at the moment.
Imagination is where we are truly real
That doesnt answer my questions :s or i dont understand ^^"
Try the official builds, SVN is not supported in a "Help me" basis. It was already answered.

(80 + 25)/2 ~ 50% load, the CPU itself and Windows may deem it not loaded enough to increase the clock as should... thus...

One practical and immediate thing to do is grant windows is not working in some "power saving" plan, try "Performance" plan under "Power Options" at the Control Panel.
Imagination is where we are truly real
I'm in high performance and i verify that the proesseur is able to cosume as much energy it wants. And now, i use the official 0.9.8, so it's ok for that ^^
The CPUs designed for mobile are aggressive with power saving (with good reason). Most known workarounds were already told. The main problem is those games stated in the first post are demanding and speedhacks are a compromise; almost never is good idea abusing them more than the medium point.

The last attempt that seems not yet attempted is keeping the speedhacks null or minimal and try frameskip in a 2:2 basis. Afterward try increasing the speed hacks always keeping an eye on the result, if it does not look like helping it probably is not.

That problem with turbo CPUs is known long ago and seems particularly worsen on laptops. It's perverse when EE nears 100% it saturates and can't provide enough data flow to GS which thus falls in load figures, feedbacking the issue.

About GS being the one overloaded was pointed too as being due to GPU toggling... all in all each problem adding to make things hard to PCSX2. The emulator can't force the clock... if the CPU is underclocked it translates as EE using all the available resource... that value you see there is not the load on the CPU but how much EE is using of what it see as the CPU can give to it. Thus does not matter if the CPU is running at 1GHz and 5% loaded... EE will be using near 100% of that available 1GHz... is the CPU itself and/or the OS which need to know when increasing the clock.

Every time you see one the two, either EE or GS nearing 100% while the other is nearing 0% is to be expected it is the infamous bug in action since the average load is nearing 50% and both, CPU and OS are happy being "low loaded" and will try to keep this way.

Sadly not real solution for that problem was yet found, anyway it's not really a problem other than not enough speed to keep those games full FPS, something which can't be solved only software wise.

Try that frameskip, with luck it can help a bit without breaking something else. Good Luck.
Imagination is where we are truly real
Sorry but you speak a too complicate english for me, i understand nothing :/ my problem is to have a laptop which want to have a good batery life ???

Frameskip 2:2 are ugly no ? It skip 50% of all the frame =/

PCSX2 run well now, but it's strange somtimes, and there are no solution yet ? Could i wait some new driver to resolve the problem ??
Although I meant a general information to anyone reading the thread I fear you right and my English is mostly flawed most of times.

I'll try being more simple and direct:

Yes, not only yours but all CPUs designed to laptops are aggressive with power management.

The real problem is those games are too demanding even to some more powerful desktops, a bit of slowdown is to be expected once and again.

The frameskip is not the first recommended attempt to increase performance but it could actually work, why don't you just try it, if does not help, disable it... that simple (stealing cycles from the VU is not more beautiful too, but unavoidable compromise where is needed Smile ).

One certain game is easy on the emulator and run almost flawless all the way, another may be a pain. It's not the emulator which dictates the minimal machine specifications but them games. Even in a particular game might exist parts where it flow nicely and... just look in another direction and it becomes as quick as a snail... for now it is like it is, the emulator is in steady process of development. someday most nowadays issues will be past; or because refinements on the emulator itself or because the hardware becomes powerful enough to allow focusing on accuracy in a way not possible today.
Imagination is where we are truly real

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