Stretch Panic (Scarf Bomb move)
Can't you just bind all three to a single button in PCSX2?

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(01-27-2015, 09:53 PM)willkuer Wrote: How do you actually make a screenshot while you press all of these buttons? Maybe you can upload a video while doing so... Wink

Can you please post the emulog after the problem occurs?
What happens if you bind keyboard controls instead of DS3 controls?
Does each of these controls work if pressed alone (not as combo)?
What happens if you set clamping in emulation setting->VU to extra + preserve sign?

The R3 has a function in the game, it seems to make her dance or do some animation. L3 lets you look around in first person, so yes they do work seperately. R1 uses the scarf to grab things. So you use all of them in combo to do the scarf bomb. I mapped R3 and L3 to A and D and then pressed R1 on my controller then A and D, but again no dice. I just tried setting extra+ preserve but it didn't help at all.

Here's the log, doesn't like like anything important.
(SYSTEM.CNF) Software version = 1.01
(SYSTEM.CNF) Disc region type = NTSC
Not found Cheats file: C:\Users\Faber\Desktop\pcsx2-v1.2.1-870-g0bdeb8d-windows-x86\cheats\854D5885.pnach
Overall 0 Cheats loaded
Overall 0 Widescreen hacks loaded
Re-protecting page @ 0x006ba
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Using lilypad plugin with PS2 DS3 setting.
This is unfortunately not the full emulog.
Can you please post or attach that again?
So here's a screenshot with the windows controller panel showing that there are indeed three buttons being hit, yet it's just not doing it. It just grabs the boss and holds on.

Also the log was very large and I didn't wanna post all of it here, so I uploaded it as a text file. I have everything checked so that should be all of it. I went in the game, went to an island, got a point to fight the boss and then went to the boss and tried to perform the move.

Thanks for the help.
Can you please reset the emulog level to default (in the emulog gui). You enabled all output. Almost all of this stuff is just completely normal. To find the bad stuff is almost impossible.
#16 Alright here's this log reset with just the default option ticked. I don't really see anything but I don't know exactly what I'm looking at. Sorry it took so long, I had to go do some stuff.

For reference I ran to the first sub world and got a point to fight the first boss, walk in the boss room and grabbed her as before and press R3 and L3, held it and just got sucked up by the boss.
I am actually a bit impressed that pcsx2 can read .nrg...
Can you try to create an iso of your disk?
You can also try the last stable release v.1.2.1. Maybe there is a regression in the unstable builds.
Or even older versions > 0.7.

But a direct indicator why the game is not working is not visible. At least not to me.

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