Suikoden Tactics problem
Anyone having issues with the game getting stuck right after you click start new game it will go to the book zoom in like its supposed too and then stop and you can hear music playing but it stuck on the screen with the book being blank. I've tried remaking the iso several times and playing from the disc but it's not working there is no scratches on the disc.

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Im afraid thats what gives it its ingame status (tho personally id say that was menus). right after you hit start theres an intro video to the ingame part, which it hangs on, so far it hasnt been fixed.
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

I guess you could try the "Skipmpeg" under the game fixes section and see if that lets you get past it.
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

Oh, I thought my mind was playing tricks on me when I saw what its status was guess that makes sense. Is that an emu option or a cheat/patch i need to download?
The skipmpeg hack is a gamefix you can enable under the "gamefixes" tab Wink
And yea, it makes the game playable.
Will this game work in future without patch ? Or is Mpeg impossible to emulate ?
Maybe, just you wait...

Patience is the key...

Or, not...
We'll try and fix it, sure Tongue2
Ok fine :-)

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