TT Superbikes RRRC Keyboard Problems
Hi, I'm new to PCSX2 so firgive me if I'm being a div. I'm trying to get TT Superbikes RRRC working and although the game loads fine I'm having problems with the keyboard. I have tried both keyboard drivers, LilyPad and SSSPSX and defined keyboard mappings for PAD1 in both. When the game loads, the cross /circle / square / triangle buttons works but the directional buttons don't. If I switch to the other driver, the directional buttons work but the cross /circle / square / triangle buttons don't!

Any ideas?

The game is not in the compatibility list but this thread seems to indicate it should be working

I'm running r5350 on Windows7 Pro 64bit

Thanks Andy.

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Ah! It looks like I might have been being a div and posted too soon. I was trying left stick up down etc but when I configured d-pad up down etc it seems to be working. I'll see how far I get and post back. Also, if anyone else is reading this I'm now using LilyPad with the DirectInput API

Yep all seems to be working fine....sorry to have troubled you....doh! :-)

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