Tales of: Imaginary Walls
This has actually happened twice to me. Once on Tales of the Abyss (that was quite some time ago) and Tales of Destiny Director's cut. When I got to random spots in the game there were "imaginary walls" to further explain I couldn't move past a certain spot even though it was where I was supposed to go.

I couldn't find anything else about this, but does anyone know of a way to fix these problems?

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If you're sure you're meant to progress past these walls, then oftentimes the game needs a different EE or VU rounding mode.
(12-01-2011, 12:49 AM)rama Wrote: If you're sure you're meant to progress past these walls, then oftentimes the game needs a different EE or VU rounding mode.

Yeah, I am, it's like as soon as I go through a door something is blocking me and the other was when I was supposed to go up some stairs.

Thanks, i'll try messing with them to see if something happens.

Edit: Yeah, I tried them and got no luck.
Try changing the VU Mode to SuperVU Recompiler. Avoid Speedhacks. and enable AutoGamefixes.
(12-01-2011, 03:51 PM)recoder Wrote: Try changing the VU Mode to SuperVU Recompiler. Avoid Speedhacks. and enable AutoGamefixes.

Thanks for the reply. I tried all of that and it's the same problem.
I just walk through a doorway and get stuck. I can spin in a circle, but still can't move.

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