Tenkaichi 3 Graphics Issue
Hey, minor problem with Tenkaichi 3's graphics. The speed is fine, and I don't have the lines on the screen that others have reported, but almost every character has...well, to put it bluntly, the right part of their ass is missing. I've tried two different revisions of GsDx(1873 and 2404), both with my native res of 1920x1080, scaling x3, and native, to no avail. I've also tried both DX9 and 10, no difference. Any ideas?

Core2Duo [email protected]
4Gigs RAM
Windows 7 Professional


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well that is strange indeed,here with the latest stable beta,and the newest plugins i get this:

[Image: 1269s36.jpg]

If you look at goku`s ass,then you will see that there is something strange,but anyway is this what is happening to you?
Actually, most of the characters look fine when standing still, but have the "no-ass" issue when moving. Really not sure what's causing it, some of the characters with tails have parts of said tails missing, as well. What version of GSDX are you using? Is it a different version, or the latest one from the plugin pack?

(02-23-2010, 03:10 AM)diegochiha Wrote: well that is strange indeed,here with the latest stable beta,and the newest plugins i get this:

[Image: 1269s36.jpg]

If you look at goku`s ass,then you will see that there is something strange,but anyway is this what is happening to you?
I have the latest plugins aswell and it might not display it properly because it's not rendered in the games native resolution.

1280x1280, 3x scaling dx10(look at attachment)

on native it works almost flawlessly. i.e. you don't see a character outline when they get to close to the screen/camera    
That's what I thought as well, but I tried rendering in the PS2's native and it still had the issue. Interestingly, what stage I'm playing also seems to affect the issue, with some not having the issue as much as others. Really strange. I can't think of any particular setting that might be causing the issue, I was sure the native res would solve the problem, but to no avail.
i play it under native using the latest gsdx compiled.
(02-23-2010, 06:11 PM)diegochiha Wrote: i play it under native using the latest gsdx compiled.

Alas, I'm no good at compiling, so the latest GSDX revision is beyond me at the moment. Maybe when a new official version is released, the problem will be fixed. Thanks for everyone's help, just can't seem to figure it out.

Edit: Taking a better look at Bman's screen shot, that is indeed the same issue I'm having. Sometimes different parts of the body are missing, like Goku's midsection in the picture. Looks like there isn't really anything I can do, unless someone knows a GSDX rev that doesn't have this problem (even at resolutions that aren't the PS2's native).

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