The Getaway problem
I really want to play this game- but I am encountering the same White-wall problem!

Have tried on GSdx 4600, and many many others. Only way to fix is using DX 11 Software mode.

Buy my PC cannot handle it, and it is very slow and unplayable!

My specs are Asus G73JH, Core i7-720QM, ATI 5870 VRAM:1Gb

It is runs SO well with DX11 hardware mode, but the white wall appears!

What else can we try?


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If you can build your own pcsx2 version and know some good basics of programming you could write your own crc hack fix for hardware mode in GSdx, considering it's like somebody mentioned same engine as GOW which does have crc hackfix that removes wall of fog it shouldn't really be soo hard, especially with dynamic crc hack gsdx feature, but I guess the game isn't popular or nobody who's able to do it have that game, soo you're like pretty much on your own, this will not just fix itself by some option or hidden code;P.

The code for throwing out GOW wall of fog:
         if(fi.FBP == 0x00000 && fi.FPSM == PSM_PSMCT32 && fi.TPSM == PSM_PSMT8 && ((fi.TZTST == 2 && fi.FBMSK == 0x00FFFFFF) || (fi.TZTST == 1 && fi.FBMSK == 0x00FFFFFF) || (fi.TZTST == 3 && fi.FBMSK == 0xFF000000)))
            skip = 1; // wall of fog
If it's really the very same engine it's possible it could work without any changes, but I dunno really, never even heard about this game.

If you're unable to build pcsx2 on your own and write a crc hack for it, then pretty much ignore what I wrote above and take as the answer simple - "nothing else you can try". Through you could leave your game crc(the number starting from 0x after "game CRC" shown in the log after running the game), I could copy the gow hack and build a custom gsdx for testing, if it would turn out working that's cool, but I don't really have the game to mess around it myself and find a proper(bad word for a crc hack I guess) fix, if it would need to be customized(which is highly possible):].
Well I'm not quite at building my own pcsx2 version - I discovered the program today and this was my first post!

Okay so there is potential (but no promise) that that line of code may fix the problem? Well I may look into some of the basics but I fell this is much better left to someone who knows what they are doing.

I think I can ascertain that I have tried everything possible so far including searches everywhere.

Should I try posting this elsewhere to gain some attention??
After you run the game check the pcsx2 log window find a line there having "Game CRC = 0x...." post that number starting from 0x like I wrote and I'll build you a custom gsdx with that code added for your game for a test, if it will work for you, then the problem will probably disappear in new versions sometime in the near future, if it doesn't then it will require someone who's able to do crc hacks and have the game, couse it's probably not something you can learn easily and really people need to have a game to even try fixing the problem.
Thanks that would be great. The number is: 0x09C3DF79

Taken from:
"ELF (cdrom0:\SCES_527.58;1) Game CRC = 0x09C3DF79, EntryPoint = 0x00100008
(SYSTEM.CNF) Detected PS2 Disc = cdrom0:\SCES_527.58;1"
Check your pm, sent you a link with 3 gsdx builds and instructions what to do:]. Let's hope one of the 2 will be a fix, or else you'll have to give me some info from the third;]. Well good luck to that, fixing it otherwise will be a bother:]. Edit: oh and don't hurry with that much;3, I'm logging off now I guess, gonna check it back tomorow.

Don't wanna bump this thread yet, but I got some potentially usefull info which is enough to try a few more builds, from the movie in the first post I also see the shadows are bugged as well, now just to find a way to fix as much without breaking even more...;P.
Still no luck with those gsdx builds! Sending through info from the third log. Cheers
Well, it's finished, not gonna spam anyone to apply that patch through, couse it's not perfect. With some testing I could fix the shadows only or throw out the wall of light, with broken shadows, or delete the shadows too completely, but at the cost of throwing out menu text. Possibly could be done better, but I haven't got this game.

Soo here's the patch to the source, only have pal(?) version crc from ju08 - who tested it(bug him for screenshots now;P). Guess it wouldn't hurt submiting it as the hardware mode by default is much more glitched in this game, but probably a bit more testing first, would be nice.

.7z   TheGetaway.7z (Size: 834 bytes / Downloads: 531)
Well good new's we have sucessfuly got rid of that white wall of fog, and the menu's text are good. Will test it out mroe and post screen's soon. Again thankyou!
please tell me how to apply this .patch file I realy cant figure it out, i tried frag and drop, put in in cheats folder, creat a Patch folder, etc

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