Trapt - Controller not detected
I tried Googling and searching for a solution to this problem, but I couldn't find any. I've tried both controller plugins and either way it says there's no controller plugged in. I've had it working FFXII without a problem, so I'm not quite sure where I'm going wrong. Hopefully someone here can help me. Here's the config I have for Lily's plugin:

[Image: CaptureCon.JPG]

[Image: CaptureCon2.JPG]

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Try using a different sound plugin, or the null sound plugin. I know that sounds weird, but sometimes that fixes controller issues in games.
(09-07-2009, 03:38 AM)Koji Wrote: Try using a different sound plugin, or the null sound plugin. I know that sounds weird, but sometimes that fixes controller issues in games.

Tried all 3 plugins with both the audio on and turned off. Still won't detect the controller. I imagine it's possible it could also be the drivers and Windows 7.

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