08-20-2010, 04:22 PM
Ok so i think its time. Ace Combat Zero is one of the last in a line of Ace Combat Games. It is one of the most graphicly indepth flight sims i have ever seen. I will do any thing to get this game to run in PCSX2.
For the past 2 days i have googled and instaled many versions of PCSX2 and plugins. After alot of trial and error i finaly found a set up that will sorta run this game.
Here is what i have...
-ZeroGS 0.97.1
-LilyPad svn 0.10.0
-SPU2-X 1.4.0
other setings dont matter as far as i know.
The out come of the setings i chose are as follows...
- Game start and menue run smooth as silk.
- Movie play back stops 3 sec in but sound keeps going. I have no keboard function at all during the play back and when the play back stops the game is froze. So i can not play Campagin Mode.
- Tryed playing 1vs1 and it ran fine but i get alot of graphics lag and distortion along with fractles every where on the aircraft and map.
I dont know anything about the hex codes or i would try some of them out in the graphics set up.
If any one has any idea on how to fix the problems i listed plz for the love of god tell me. =P
For the past 2 days i have googled and instaled many versions of PCSX2 and plugins. After alot of trial and error i finaly found a set up that will sorta run this game.
Here is what i have...
-ZeroGS 0.97.1
-LilyPad svn 0.10.0
-SPU2-X 1.4.0
other setings dont matter as far as i know.
The out come of the setings i chose are as follows...
- Game start and menue run smooth as silk.
- Movie play back stops 3 sec in but sound keeps going. I have no keboard function at all during the play back and when the play back stops the game is froze. So i can not play Campagin Mode.
- Tryed playing 1vs1 and it ran fine but i get alot of graphics lag and distortion along with fractles every where on the aircraft and map.
I dont know anything about the hex codes or i would try some of them out in the graphics set up.
If any one has any idea on how to fix the problems i listed plz for the love of god tell me. =P