Unreasonable FPS Drops, any help appreciated
Hey everyone,

I am trying to run Dragon ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 (or more precisely the 4th modded version, but the results are the same for both) on PCSX2 and I'm having random fps drops.

For the love of me I can't find the reason behind it:
  •  I upgraded my gpu
  • I formatted my pc
  • I unplugged peripherals
  • I changed priority in task manager
  • I tested the emulator itself and game on all my drives (ssd & hdd)
  • I reset to defaults
  • I tried all the renderers (has different perfomance but still drops)
  • I changed all kinds of resolutions on the game, the program and my pc (the native resolution seems to run better but still 3-4 drops per game)
  • I tried the stable version
  • I upgraded from Windows 10 to 11

It seems to be practically random. For ex: I opened bt3 I played a super clean game and then copied the settings to bt4, I played a super clean game again and when I opened OBS, it started lagging. I did not record or anything. Just opened obs. And it started fps dropping since then again. There was a period where this game worked like a charm and at some point it broke by itself and the more I try to fix it the more it doesn't. 

Nothing is more than 40% (cpu usually 30-40% busy & gpu 20%) at any time and no spikes in my hardware when the drops happen. My friends pc which is worse than mine runs smooth as butter.

I'd appreciate any advise on the matter.

PCSX2 Version: 1.7.5656 

Specs & Settings:







Thanks a lot in advance!

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we don't support modded games, especially illegal ones.
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go

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