Want to play Blood Will Tell? Read this!
So, as it turns out, there's nothing wrong with Blood Will Tell except for maybe the first 10 minutes.

In order to be able to even play the game in hardware mode, you have to defeat the first two bosses in software mode. This is due to the game being in black and white for some reason.

I have a video here showing what it looks like both in software and hardware before and after the second boss.

Don't know what causes it, but if you can tough it out, it's definitely worth playing!


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+1 for finding this out.

This reminds me of the scenes in Xenosaga Ep 1 that are in black and white and won't normally display. I got them to by save/load state. Except for a big black box in the corner lol
[Image: XTe1j6J.png]
Gaming Rig: Intel i7 6700k @ 4.8Ghz | GTX 1070 TI | 32GB RAM | 960GB(480GB+480GB RAID0) SSD | 2x 1TB HDD
[Image: gmYzFII.png]
[Image: dvedn3-5.png]
The typical way to do black and white (or sepia) overlays on the PS2 is something GSdx really dislikes Tongue2
(11-28-2013, 05:54 AM)xenoriddley Wrote: This is due to the game being in black and white for some reason.

This is normal,that's how the game look at the beginning of the game...the game even tells you about it.
(11-28-2013, 02:07 PM)vsub Wrote: This is normal,that's how the game look at the beginning of the game...the game even tells you about it.

I know that, I was talking about the emulator not liking the black and white. I've beaten it twice so far. Fantastic game!
I'm at one boss that always kills me(give up playing it because of it).
(11-28-2013, 02:34 PM)vsub Wrote: I'm at one boss that always kills me(give up playing it because of it).

Might I ask which one?
Not sure I can explain...I haven't played the game for a long time.
You start at some temple or whatever it's called,you have to pass the whole level to get to some girl room which is actually the boss.
She turns into a monster,the fight is outside(big area)and she is doing some lightning attacks.

The guide says I have to go behind her at certain point but.
I think I backed up my save into my pc(not sure...I'll check)

Edit:I'm not 100% sure this is the save(I doubt it's not)
I guess it really was long time ago
Modified Date: December 17, 2009

Edit2:Btw I just tried the game and I don't have those weird thing appearing in SW mode(pcsx2 1.0.0 with his plugins and native resolution)

I also notest that when using frame skipping,on that back and white part,the color will randomly appear

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(11-28-2013, 02:40 PM)vsub Wrote: Not sure I can explain...I haven't played the game for a long time.
You start at some temple or whatever it's called,you have to pass the whole level to get to some girl room which is actually the boss.
She turns into a monster,the fight is outside(big area)and she is doing some lightning attacks.

The guide says I have to go behind her at certain point but.
I think I backed up my save into my pc(not sure...I'll check)

Edit:I'm not 100% sure this is the save(I doubt it's not)
I guess it really was long time ago
Modified Date: December 17, 2009

Edit2:Btw I just tried the game and I don't have those weird thing appearing in SW mode(pcsx2 1.0.0 with his plugins and native resolution)

I also notest that when using frame skipping,on that back and white part,the color will randomly appear
Well, I don't know how to load that save, so I'll just get to the part you're talking about. either that, or you can watch my LP of it, and see where I defeated her.

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