What is the "best looking settings" my system can run at?
intel pentium g4560 (very similar to the i3 6100)
rx 480 4gb msi armor OC
8x2 16gb of ddr4 2800 mhz ram
1td HDD 

Just wondering what settings my system can run at to ensure that the games look good and at the same time no fps dips

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You'll have to test them yourself, we can't know. But your CPU is pretty weak, so don't expect much.

Edit: I'm wrong
[Image: iq2O9Ya.jpg]
(02-26-2017, 08:18 PM)FaithLV Wrote: You'll have to test them yourself, we can't know. But your CPU is pretty weak, so don't expect much.

That cpu is awesome for pcsx2.. it's a 3.5Ghz kaby lake with hyper threading.
Yeah, that rig should run a lot of games at 3-4x native using the DX11 backend for gsdx
[Image: gmYzFII.png]
[Image: dvedn3-5.png]
The only downside is the gpu actually , that he can't run OpenGL.
double post

(02-26-2017, 08:18 PM)FaithLV Wrote: You'll have to test them yourself, we can't know. But your CPU is pretty weak, so don't expect much.
How is it weak? Just because its a pentium doesn't always mean its weak..
(02-27-2017, 12:59 AM)lightningterror Wrote: The only downside is the gpu actually , that he can't run OpenGL.

So does the rx 480 not support it or something?
Problem are the AMD drivers for OpenGL AKA they just suck for it compared to what nvidia can do with OpenGL.

Some reading material on the subject

Owning a 480 myself.. I can do 4x on an i5
The issue is not the Nx which increases the load on the GPU. The issues are
* driver that can BSOD or screw up the gl rendering
* driver overhead, it will be slower if the game require more draw calls
That heavily depends on the game you want to run, if you don't like to keep changing settings everytime, you can just let things native, avoiding some trouble with particular games too.

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