What ratio's are good for EE and GS aside from FPS?
That with GSdx was a troll;p. If you set your internal res insanely high on fairy-old/not-fast-enough gpu % will surely decrease, but only couse you'll be limited by gpu(in other words your fps will drop while EE/GS% will be small as pcsx2 doesn't really have anything to directly show gpu limitation;p).

To keep different settings for each game easily you can use an external loader like PCSX2Lunch, and yeah those "not recommended" speedhacks should be experimented with each game, if you don't need to use them best is leave them at default 1/0, and if you do have to use them, save the game normally pretty often, don't just abuse savestates couse they save also data corruption and problems which are often caused by those speedhacks;p.

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