What speed should I make an ISO from my PS2 Disc?
I downloaded ImgBurn (which was recommended by people) and I have a choice of which speed to rip it. Which speed should I choose? I have a lot of speeds from 1x to 56x. What makes the difference? And I want a high quality ISO, so what would be an appropriate speed? And does a good speed vary between games?

Thank you in advance

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It shouldnt matter really, try your drive's speed and if it has trouble try again with lower speed but it really shouldnt matter.
Core i5 3570k -- Geforce GTX 670  --  Windows 7 x64
(07-10-2009, 05:03 AM)Shadow Lady Wrote: It shouldnt matter really, try your drive's speed and if it has trouble try again with lower speed but it really shouldnt matter.

Ok, but what will happen if it has "trouble" will it have an error screen while ripping? Cause I'm doing the Codebreaker Exploit Hack on my PS2 to play backups. And I'd rather not have an error screen while playing
Yeah if it has trouble reading it will show some error message in the screen and say the operation cant be completed.
Core i5 3570k -- Geforce GTX 670  --  Windows 7 x64
(07-10-2009, 06:02 AM)Shadow Lady Wrote: Yeah if it has trouble reading it will whow some error message in the screen and say the operation cant be vompleted.
ok thanks for your help
When reading the CD to make the ISO, speed shouldn't matter. Using either 1x or 56x, you should get the exact same ISO.

Burning, on the other hand, is when speed matters. 1x is by far the best speed to burn at (if you are very patient) but I successfully burn at 4x without read errors on any device. The DVD spec has in it a mechanism to recover from burn errors without requiring a re-burn, some devices are very sensitive to these minute errors and won't play them.

The lesson of the day is: use quality media and the slowest burn speed you have time for. Or get a DVD-RW and try a bunch of speeds until it fails.
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