Why does this game freeze?
I'm trying to play Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2 on PCSX2 v1.0.0
When I open up the game up, it says "DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION!" and it freezes. Not sure why it does this. I tried getting the iso from a different website but it does the same thing. Help me?

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Isos from diffrent websites! intresting , enjoy lack of support.
Core i3 9100f 3.6Ghz
nvidia GT 1030
pcsx2 version-1.3.1  
What else am I supposed to say? I'm new.
Well, I guess I can say that I have am AMD 4750, 4 GB of RAM, AMD Phenom Triple core processor 2.1GHZ, and yeah.
I use the default settings of the entire program
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