Hello There.
If anyone could help me with my problem that would be great. I managed to fix Txt problem by changing game to "native" resolution. But in native resolution sudenly game grafic quality drops and become very blurry. Can anyone tell me how to keep text quality from Native but picture quality from Custom resolution? That would be great
Many Thanks
Custom Resolution Screen Shoot (good picture, bad Text)
[Image: dvr2gw.jpg]
Native (blurry grafic, good txt)
[Image: 2wqevcy.jpg]
If anyone could help me with my problem that would be great. I managed to fix Txt problem by changing game to "native" resolution. But in native resolution sudenly game grafic quality drops and become very blurry. Can anyone tell me how to keep text quality from Native but picture quality from Custom resolution? That would be great
Many Thanks
Custom Resolution Screen Shoot (good picture, bad Text)
[Image: dvr2gw.jpg]
Native (blurry grafic, good txt)
[Image: 2wqevcy.jpg]