08-01-2012, 10:37 PM
Hi everyone.
I'm mediocre at utilizing Emulators however, I seem to have a problem that has come up extremely often with the pcsx2 emulator.
Could anyone explain why this occurs, or if there exists a solution for this?
# Playground version: PCSX2 R4918 (Heard it was most stable off a VP2 Thread)
# Cpu: EERec on, VUrecs on
# Plugins used: All Default, except GSdx4915 MVC 16.00 SSE41
I'm mediocre at utilizing Emulators however, I seem to have a problem that has come up extremely often with the pcsx2 emulator.
Could anyone explain why this occurs, or if there exists a solution for this?
# Playground version: PCSX2 R4918 (Heard it was most stable off a VP2 Thread)
# Cpu: EERec on, VUrecs on
# Plugins used: All Default, except GSdx4915 MVC 16.00 SSE41