03-16-2012, 11:28 PM
Hi. I saw an old topic regarding this question, but over there we were encouraged to create our own topics for this manner. I'm a newbee so sorry if this is a mistake.
core 2 duo e6320
Nvidia Geforce 200 GT
2 Gb RAM
I want to buy this PC but is EXTREMELY important to me to know if this configuration is good enough for the games like PES2012, NBA Live 2k12 to run smoothly..
I will buy this computer only if it's possible to run these games without any problems, so your advice is very, very important to me.
Thank you in advance.
Kind regards, paraglajder.
core 2 duo e6320
Nvidia Geforce 200 GT
2 Gb RAM
I want to buy this PC but is EXTREMELY important to me to know if this configuration is good enough for the games like PES2012, NBA Live 2k12 to run smoothly..
I will buy this computer only if it's possible to run these games without any problems, so your advice is very, very important to me.
Thank you in advance.
Kind regards, paraglajder.