Xbox One controller not working on PCSX2?
Can someone help please? I just got rid of my Xbox 360 and bought an Xbox One so I no longer have my 360 controller.
Now since I have done this I haven't been able to use PCSX2 with a controller as it will not let me edit controller mapping for my Xbox One controller!
How can I solve this problem?

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Does windows recognize the gamepad?
(10-19-2014, 11:01 PM)willkuer Wrote: Does windows recognize the gamepad?

Yeah, But it wont let me map the controls on Pad 1 or Pad 2
did you install the drivers for it?
[Image: gmYzFII.png]
[Image: dvedn3-5.png]
(10-19-2014, 11:12 PM)Nobbs66 Wrote: did you install the drivers for it?

If you mean the official microsoft drivers yes.
Have you opened the gamepad configuration of windows (not pcsx2!) and checked that all buttons are recognized correctly?

If it works completely in windows change input mode in lilypad settings (first tab) for controller from something like xinput/directinput/whatever in something else (there are four possible settings if I remember correctly)
(10-19-2014, 11:15 PM)willkuer Wrote: Have you opened the gamepad configuration of windows (not pcsx2!) and checked that all buttons are recognized correctly?

If it works completely in windows change input mode in lilypad settings (first tab) for controller from something like xinput/directinput/whatever in something else (there are four possible settings if I remember correctly)

I've already played with the Xbox One controller on non-pcsx2 games (which worked) and none of them options work, I tried them earlier
can you please screenshot the windows gamepad configuration and the first tabpage of lilypad settings?
(10-19-2014, 11:26 PM)willkuer Wrote: can you please screenshot the windows gamepad configuration and the first tabpage of lilypad settings?

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
Under Device DIagnostics click on the xbone controller. Click then on test device. Test response to controller input. All buttons working?

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