Xpad - The keyboard killer
Just wanted to let everyone know, at least those who are affected by this issue.

The Xpad plugin seems to kill all communication from the keyboard i.e can't press escape or save a state or press tab for the turbo mode thingy.

So, if you haven't been able to save states with the new pcsx2, check and see if you are using xpad and use lilypad instead.
Intel Core i7 @ 2.66 Ghz ~ 6 GB DDR3 Tri-Channel ~ 512 MB Radeon 4850 ~ 500 Gb HDD/160 GB HDD/80 GB HDD ~ 24" LCD

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Yeah that's true. It is fixed in the SVN though (http://code.google.com/p/pcsx2/source/detail?r=803)
[Image: newsig.jpg]
you can use Lilypad 0.9.4 and (Simple1)PadwinKeyb Driver 0.9.0 too But the Great Idea is of Bositman.
Uh why would anyone use an older version of Lilypad instead of the latest?... and PadWinKeyb doesn't even support game pads...
[Image: newsig.jpg]
Me also likes Xpad but i havent faced any problem like this really Sorry

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