Yakuza 2
I am playing Yakuza 2 with r1888 and GSdx DX10 1873 SSE41
the internal res is 1280 1024 and I try with speed hacks on and off and I always get that white bar How can i fix this?

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Core i7 920
GTX 460
6 GB Ram
Win 7 64

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Try running the game at native res. If that fixes it, you MAY be able to fix it by using the offset options in the GSDx ini... but you may not.
Native res fix it!.But anyway to fix it useing internal res?and how do you use the offset options?
Core i7 920
GTX 460
6 GB Ram
Win 7 64
Let's see if someone knows which gsdx rev works better and if there's some offset config that solves someway the blur issue...
Core i7 920
GTX 460
6 GB Ram
Win 7 64
How does the game run for you? Does it have any slowdown.
Phenom II 550 3.1 Ghz @ 3.5 Ghz
Nvidia GTX260

It runs perfect for me Smile

With my "old" 9800 and with the cpu at stock clock, it also goes absolutely perfect. The most important change i made was switching from an AMD X2 6000+ to this Phenom II. Before, I barely could run games at 70-80%, now it's a pleasure seeing them (or almost all of them) running at full speed Smile
E8500 3.6Ghz
ATI Radeon 4890
Windows Vista

With r1888 and gsdx 1650, I have the same issues with the white bar corruption on the right side of the screen. Also seem to have blur/ghosting with DX10 hardware mode. In DX9 hardware mode the Bloom effects seem to be missing completely.

Pixel offsetting seems to alleviate some of the ghosting issues in DX10. However when I enable it , it causes some pixel lines to run down the screen like a cross. I wonder if the issue is ATi specific?

Redx508 you should input this in your Gsdx.ini and see if you have the same corruption..


can anyone help me?
I have the us version of yakuza 2 when I load it up I got only the black screen no sound no nothing.
Are you using an Iso or the actual game disc in your dvd drive? What is your pc's specs and what versions are your pcsx2 and plugins?

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