Yeah. What's with the way I'm being treated here?
Yeah. I'm sick of how I'm being treated here. Just because I'm a girl people are looking down on me and closing my bug report when I updated it the best way I could to get some help with a single game. I thought someone on this forum could stand up and help someone who's trying their emulating software but apparently they don't want girls playing their gaming system which is why they won't help me. I dare someone to tell me otherwise because I've been waiting for almost 4 and a half weeks for this bug to get fixed in my game and nobody has stepped up to help me or even help me get in touch with someone who can. The customer service on this forum is leaving a lot to be desired.

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I doubt it has anything to do with being a girl.
When you request help you must also post useful information.

Like what are your pcsx2 and plugins settings and your pc specs.
From what I've seen in your thread,you posted just a single image of the game and ask how to fix it.

Since I've never played that game,I can't even see what is the problem.It look normal to me.
I see, so because your game doesn't work and we don't know why, its because you're a girl?

Seriously now... All you've done is said your game didn't work, then nobody could give you an answer (because the game is that rare) so you decided to get high and mighty and pretty much say "nobody is trying to help me" when they are, in fact you had 7 replies of people giving you things to try to get it working, but apparently that isnt good enough for you.

Then you threw your toys out of the pram and pretty much tried to give us an ultimatum that you will delete pcsx2 and get a ps3 cos we suck. Well that's just nice isnt it? We give you something for free and because it doesnt quite do what you want it to do, you throw it in our faces with threats. Im sorry but thats a 1 way ticket to wellfuckyoutoosville. If you are going to be obnoxious and rude you will recieve nothing but the same in return.

I then tried to explain to you how getting a PS3 probably won't help you play your PS2 games and you outright ignored everything i said because apparently you know best.

This is nothing to do with you being a girl, some of our admins are girls and quite a few of our users are too and we all enjoy it here. Lose the attitude, be a little nicer to people and maybe we wont make your life so hard.

[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

I doubt anyone even knew you were a girl. Fix your behavior and switch from demanding to politely asking, from people doing all this for you for free.
[Image: newsig.jpg]
The instant I saw "because I'm a girl" I just knew there had to be something else behind this. Sorry, but no one plays that card unless they have nothing valid to argue with.

To make that argument worse, asking for help in no way implies your gender. I haven't seen your posts, but unless you put it out in the open no one knows (or really cares).

But hey, if you want to run along with "they don't want girls playing their gaming system which is why they won't help me" then I'm on board with that. One less "omg no one can help me because I'm a girl!" and, from refraction, one less "I'll ignore the help I do get" whiner to worry about.

Edit: read your posts and it boiled down to "these people trying to help me MUST know the correct settings, but won't tell me" and getting mad over not following basic directions from a sticky and getting "yelled" at.

In other words, get off your high-horse.
Configure GSdx so it looks like this screenshot.
If it doesn't help, we can't help you further.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
No. No. I fixed the bug report the best way I could and some jerk closed it without even telling me what to correct on it. I will not take that from anyone when I've been waiting for weeks just to get help with a single game!
the "jerk" (me) closed it because this was going completely off-topic, your attitude was rude, and was getting on everyone's nerve.
Thus, I closed it to prevent further flaming.

That said, since it's a netiquette matter, I totally get this is beyond your understanding...
CPU : AMD Ryzen 7 3800X
Mobo : Asus PRIME B450-PLUS
GPU : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
RAM : 16 Go
(08-28-2012, 10:02 PM)TsukimoriAria Wrote: No. No. I fixed the bug report the best way I could and some jerk closed it without even telling me what to correct on it. I will not take that from anyone when I've been waiting for weeks just to get help with a single game!

wow, and all you had to say was "I'm sorry", you just had to keep digging your grave didn't you.

Either change your ways now, or ill help you find the way out.
[Image: ref-sig-anim.gif]

(08-28-2012, 10:02 PM)TsukimoriAria Wrote: No. No. I fixed the bug report the best way I could and some jerk closed it without even telling me what to correct on it. I will not take that from anyone when I've been waiting for weeks just to get help with a single game!

You're acting like these people HAVE to help you, like paid support. I can understand some frustration, but instead of asking what went wrong (which is appropriate period), you're flipping out (which is not as appropriate period, especially not for support that DOES NOT have to be provided).

I would change you're attitude; all you're doing is pissing off people who could help you down the line with your know-it-all attitude.

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