Yugi-oh Duelist of the Roses Crash?
Im kinda having a problem here where i cant get past the point after defeating Seto, where he goes on a rage about the summoning then soon after it crashes as shown in the Pic below.


Im currently running an Acer 5750G i5-2410M 2.3GHz, with 4GB ram and a Geforce GT520M Cuda 1gb.

Ive tried all sorts of settings to no avail as in still crashing round the same point.

Any assistance would be wicked sick. Smile

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possible crush due to max-out speedhacks that can break games or bad iso
i have this game too but positvely no crushes during that scenes.
may we show us all your settings(plug-ins,BIOS selector,emulation settings,speedhacks,clamping settings,CDVD settings and emulog.txt)
Main PC1:i5-4670,HD7770(Active!)
Main PC2:i5-11600K,GTX1660Ti(Active!)
PCSX2 Discord server IGN:smartstrike
PCSX2 version uses:Custom compiled buildĀ 1.7.0 64-bit(to be update regularly)
smartstk's YouTube Channel
No need to ask for the BIOS Selector since that doesn't matter about the issues he has Smile But mostly they do need your Computer Details, your PCSX2 version and any non-default settings you are using in the Emulator Smile
(03-25-2012, 08:47 AM)tallbender Wrote: possible crush due to max-out speedhacks that can break games or bad iso
i have this game too but positvely no crushes during that scenes.
may we show us all your settings(plug-ins,BIOS selector,emulation settings,speedhacks,clamping settings,CDVD settings and emulog.txt)

Hmmm i initially ran it off all the default settings with no speedhacks whatsoever. I was running it off BIOS: USA v02.20(10/02/2006). I tried switching between all the GSdx's 9/10 both hard/software still crashed.

Il attach the emuLOG Smile

.txt   emuLog.txt (Size: 10,93 KB / Downloads: 742)
Oh my...
Congrats... A downloaded iso + 10 bioses ??
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