a CD/DVD plugin?
Does anyone have an ISO/CD plugin? my cdrom is always acting wierd ever since i restored my computer, and it only works when i use a iso driver to get into my E drive

any help? Sad

planning on using my ffx disc or ffx-2 disc, does it matter if its scratched at all>?

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Use an iso driver to get into your drive?? Does not make sense...
All cdvd plugins you will need are in the 0.9.6 pack.
If you want to run the game directly from the disc,you can only do so with Peops CDVD or Gigaherz CDVD. If these plugins cannot detect the disc,it means your disc or dvd rom are damaged
[Image: newsig.jpg]
gigahetz + acohool 120%
As I said,if you have an ISO image you should NOT use peops or gigaherz cdvd or mount it. Run it with Linuz ISO. Else use the other 2 plugins.
[Image: newsig.jpg]

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