bad performance on a Ryzen 5 2400g
Hey guys, been a while since i visited this site. 

Lots of great memories back in 2008 when emulation ps2 games.

But back on topic, I saw alot of emulation videos and decided to hop back on and buy one of those mini pcs.

Saw alot of ''eta prime'' videos and my eyes fell on the: HP Elitedeks 705 G4 mini with a ryzen 5 2400g. 8gb of ram.

I did watch multiple videos and forums and it seemed the chip could handle ps2 with atleast 720p without a problem, but ooooi boy was i wrong.

I have been looking online and tinkering with the all the pcsx2 settings but if I go above native res the pc just dont seem to handle it.
Games i tested where gow2,sotc,rachet and clank. Only ratchet and clank was willing to play on 720p. but thats only on dx11. I was planning on using batocera but because it only uses opengl and vulkan i am kinda screwed.

Also tested some mario kart and mario sunshine on the gamecube and that ran fine on 1080p. 

Vulkan also runs worse or the same as opengl which I thought was kinda odd. Only dx11 gives me even a change of making it past native.

Did i expect to much?

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if you're using the iGPU, then yes you're expecting a bit too much. that CPU should be *mostly* fine with a dedicated graphics card.
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