best playable fighting games...
hi every one. can any one give a list of good fighting game with good fps and playable like dragon ball or taken 5 or better is mortal combat is playable .. any help would greatly appreciated

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MK is ingame coz very slow, no matter which hardware you using.
Try Naruto`s series, thea are running with good fps, Arcana heart running with all 60 fps.
Phenom 1055T x6 3.5GHz ; nVidia GTS 250; 6Gb RAM; Windows 7 x64
KOF MI2 is playable but u have... to put in CPU option 4...... "jumped frames" ....some blinked but playable........its the same for KOF MI RA ......WWE all version if u put these same option....... not blinked anything.....and these is the best game ever.....i his gender......... well byeeeee
Fate Unlimited Codes... Only import though, and custom VU Skip is required for full speed at most ocassions Tongue2.
thx man but i play wwe 2006 at 40 to 50 fps but cpu usages is stage almost 100% . can u give me the perfect option list to select in emulator i have dx10 and dx9 both supported. and some really playable other good games of ur experiences thxxxxxxxxxxx
Guilty Gear XX - Accent Core Plus is more or less as good as it gets on the PS2... and the emulation runs OK too.
Dont worry man.......CPU always stay in 100% because you play in CPU, and if dont play and do any other activities.....CPU always stay in 100% for exam. move quickly your mouse.....and see them.......CPU up in 100% suddenly..........frames in 50 fps is good.......the best are in 60 ........ in WWE 2009 select GCX graphing plugin......uncheck all.....only the last option put a in audio mode.....and select the 4th option in CPU zone.........that...all.....and play .........the question is this.................the plugin graphics selected....r u see.. the video in the titantron or no????? ...........I'm sorry but I can not speak anything about the other emulator because the people here I boot this forum .... lol
Virtua Fighter 4 - above 200 fps (no limit)

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