[bug report] fail last svn 1127 updated zeropad error windows version
Line comand

Quote:Líneas de comandos Creando archivo temporal "c:\Users\MaXiMu\Desktop\pcsx2\plugins\zeropad\Windows\Win32\Release\BAT00001327322788.bat" con contenido
@echo off

"c:\Users\MaXiMu\Desktop\pcsx2\plugins\zeropad\Windows\\..\..\..\common\vsprops\preBuild.cmd" "c:\Users\MaXiMu\Desktop\pcsx2\plugins\zeropad\Windows\\.."

if errorlevel 1 goto VCReportError

goto VCEnd


echo Project : error PRJ0019: Una herramienta devolvió un código de error de "Ejecutando evento anterior a la compilación..."

exit 1

Creando línea de comandos "c:\Users\MaXiMu\Desktop\pcsx2\plugins\zeropad\Windows\Win32\Release\BAT00001327322788.bat"
Creando archivo temporal "c:\Users\MaXiMu\Desktop\pcsx2\plugins\zeropad\Windows\Win32\Release\RSP00001427322788.rsp" con contenido
/Ox /Ob2 /Oi /Ot /Oy /GL /I "c:\Users\MaXiMu\Desktop\pcsx2\plugins\zeropad\Windows\\..\..\..\3rdparty\w32pthreads\include" /I "c:\Users\MaXiMu\Desktop\pcsx2\plugins\zeropad\Windows\\..\..\..\3rdparty\\" /I "c:\Users\MaXiMu\Desktop\pcsx2\plugins\zeropad\Windows\\..\..\..\common\include" /I "c:\Users\MaXiMu\Desktop\pcsx2\plugins\zeropad\Windows\\" /I "c:\Users\MaXiMu\Desktop\pcsx2\plugins\zeropad\Windows\\..\3rdparty" /D "NDEBUG" /D "_USRDLL" /D "ZEROPAD_EXPORTS" /D "PTW32_STATIC_LIB" /D "WIN32_PTHREADS" /D "__CLEANUP_SEH" /D "__WIN32__" /D "WIN32" /D "_WINDOWS" /D "_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS" /D "_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" /D "_WINDLL" /D "_MBCS" /GF /Gm /EHsc /MT /Zp16 /GS- /GR- /Fo"Win32\Release\\" /Fd"Win32\Release\vc90.pdb" /W3 /c /Zi ..\zeropad.cpp

Creando línea de comandos "cl.exe @c:\Users\MaXiMu\Desktop\pcsx2\plugins\zeropad\Windows\Win32\Release\RSP00001427322788.rsp /nologo /errorReportTongue2rompt"

Windows result

[quote]Ventana Resultados Ejecutando evento anterior a la compilación...
SubWCRev: 'c:\Users\MaXiMu\Desktop\pcsx2\plugins\zeropad'
Last committed at revision 1127
Updated to revision 1127
.\win.cpp(193) : error C2065: 'wparam' : identificador no declarado
.\win.cpp(201) : error C2065: 'wparam' : identificador no declarado

two errors

2>ZeroPAD - 2 errores, 0 advertencias
========== Volver a generar todo: 1 correctos, 1 incorrectos, 0 omitidos ==========

Edit Ups, rev1127 Tongue

Sponsored links

We slightly fix linux version, and touch windows one too, so it's possible to have an errors. This one is seems to be my silly bug:

fo to zeropad/Windows/Win.cpp, and change wparam to wParam at lines 193 and 201 (I spell cariable name incorrectly). Try it. please.
Compiled thanks and 4 advertences Tongue

>c:\users\maximu\desktop\pcsx2\plugins\zeropad\zeropad.h(165) : warning C4715: 'FindKey' : no todas las rutas de acceso de control devuelven un valor
2>c:\users\maximu\desktop\pcsx2\plugins\zeropad\windows\win.cpp(351) : warning C4700: se utilizó la variable local 'numkeys' sin inicializar
2>c:\users\maximu\desktop\pcsx2\plugins\zeropad\windows\win.cpp(353) : warning C4700: se utilizó la variable local 'pkeyboard' sin inicializar
2>c:\users\maximu\desktop\pcsx2\plugins\zeropad\windows\win.cpp(193) : warning C4700: se utilizó la variable local 'pad' sin inicializar

Edit : Testing Zeropad dev R1126m-dev 0.2.0

Not run not asigne to letter but no longer crash the emulator in this review
Sorry, could you translate FindKey warning message? 3 others are ignorable.
line posted last post 1) warning C4715: 'FindKey' error not all control paths return a value

lines 2 - 3 - 4) error warning C4700: on win.cpp - used the variable local numkey - pkeyboard , pad uninitialized


3 advertences lines

line 351 for (int i = 0; i < numkeys; ++i)
line 353 if (pkeyboard[i])

Line 193 i = FindKey(wParam, pad);

1 advertences lines zeropad.cpp lines 165

status[pad] |= (1 << i);
well they're just warnings, they're pretty much saying that those variables (numkeys, pkeyboard, pad) are being used before being initialized (it will still compile Tongue)
Windows 7 64bit
Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5200 OC to 3.6GHz, Intel GMA x4500, 1GB DDR2

NinjaMight just work on next guideNinja
Well, this warning was bug sign. I wrote a patch to current release, that fix it.
And it's been committed...
Pcsx2.exe crash exception win32 no controled on pcsx2.exe [2832]

Debug mode

Exception no controled on 0x00190b51 (ZeroPAD.dll) on pcsx2.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation when reading the location 0x00000121.

And I drew if (pkeyboard[i])

Error30CXX0000: can not evaluate the expression

images pcsx2 crash on configuration zeropad


And visual studios mode debug win.cpp

I've just been testing in Windows, and quite frankly, did this plugin ever work for you?

I tested the version before the revisions, and it has a horrible looking ui, doesn't register any keypresses when you try to configure keys, and escape doesn't work once you start pcsx2 (though the keys I was unable to configure worked). I knew that an awful lot of the code in the linux version wasn't shared with Windows, but this is ridiculous.

At that, the linux version doesn't really compare to, say, Lilypad (though it's better then the Windows version of ZeroPad by far). It's just the only pad plugin for Linux...

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