final mix + problems
Hi i downloaded kingdom hearts 2 final mix+ and i played the game for a time and it works but i got some issues

1. It lags a bit . Is there a way to make it run smoother
Pc specs: intel core 2 quad CPU [email protected] GHz
2gb Ram
Geforce 8600 GT 512 mb
Pscx2 config:
graphics : ZeroGS 0.97.1
CDdvdrom: P.E.Op.S. CDVD(CDDA mod) 1.3.0

2. please someone tell me how to use cheats. Like infinite health or infinite drive . I prefer an easy way. PS: this is a very important question

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no support for downloaded games u need to own the game then make an iso...or play it with the dvd
As Eurlan said we wont offer support for your downloaded games, please check our rules.

Closed and warned.
Core i5 3570k -- Geforce GTX 670  --  Windows 7 x64

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