fpu clamp hack
how to get that option in the newest pcsx2 version? i was trying to emulate tekken 5 and finally managed to do this with proper speed but there's one problem - the only arena that's working is polar paradise. in rest, after 'fight' i cant see anything, although i can move. its shown on replay. anyway, after this i tried to run t5 on much older version, where i found 'special fixes for tekken' and it seems to repair other arenas but the game runs slower so here's my question once again: how can i get 'fpu clamp hack for tekken' option in game fixes in the newest version?
Thank You

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We don't offer support for third party 0.9.7 alpha revisions. All clamping modes can be found in CPU but as I said again you are on your own if you're using 0.9.7.
[Image: newsig.jpg]
ok, i see, but does it refer to some range of versions or specific 0.9.7? cause my 0.9.6 is missing clamp hack too. /me newbie, so if You had few seconds more, You could also explain what CPU is here
As far as I know, Tekken 5 runs fine on the 1888 beta (you can get it here: http://pcsx2.net/downloads.php?p=publicbeta )
Make sure you don't have speed hacks or something like frame skipping enabled.
[Image: newsig.jpg]
(03-18-2010, 12:11 PM)krish Wrote: ok, i see, but does it refer to some range of versions or specific 0.9.7? cause my 0.9.6 is missing clamp hack too. /me newbie, so if You had few seconds more, You could also explain what CPU is here

If u are refering to the simple meaning of CPU, it means Central Processing Unit .. o.o . Just get the latest beta (official) or use the official version if u want to get support here.
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Acer Aspire 4750G
What you need to do is change the clamp modes in "config > advanced" to normal or higher in the 0.9.6 or latest public beta.

The options should be there in 0.9.7 too however.
Core i5 3570k -- Geforce GTX 670  --  Windows 7 x64
changing clamp modes doesnt make any difference but no matter now, as v1880 works properly. thank You
..and Ikazu, if it were about abbreviation, i would check wiki (:

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