.hack//Fragment - Black Screen
Anybody had succsess Launching .hack//Fragment ?

My Info:
Intel Core Quad 4x 2400mhz
4096gb Ram
WinXP Professional SP2
GeForce 9400 1024mb

Settings on Pcsx2 0.9.4 Tried:

Zero GS Kosmos 0.97.0
GSdx 846 SSE3

ZeroSPU2 0.4.4

Dev9null Driver 0.3.0

Peops CDDvd CDDA Mod 1.3.0

USA & Japan

Upon Pressing Run CD/DVD it stops on black screen from begin on and does nothing.

Help ;_; , i wanna play that game

Edit: File Type: hack_fragment.iso & hack_fragment.mds which i dont know what to do with

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If you don't know what to do with those files, then it seems obvious you didn't dump them from your own game.
We don't support piracy.

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