09-09-2013, 03:43 PM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2013, 03:46 PM by mattdrifts.)
I just installd pcsx2 1.0 on my pc 2 days ago I played ki gdom hearts for 3-4 hours straight last night no issues . But after work tonight I tryed and after playing for a couple minuites I got blue screen pc crash...when I restarted pc and tried again same thing happend the inly setting I remeber changing was resolution from 1920x1080 to nativex6 game runs very smoth regardless I am using ps3 controller with motionjoy ds3 tool....pc specs are amdfx8350 4ghz gtx 660 and 16gb ram the game ran very smooth usually...any help thanks
(09-09-2013, 05:17 PM)DaTankAC Wrote: BSOD sounds like an unstable driver or possible heat-related problem. Heat problem seems possible with AMD's monster 8 core heat generator.
09-10-2013, 01:26 AM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2013, 02:26 AM by mattdrifts.)
ok dont know if thats the screenshot you wanted...and i used motionjoy everytime i play pcsx2 i will try run it fpor a bit without motionjoy mayb and see if it still crashes, i updated my video driver and have had game running without a crash with no motionjoy i am starting to think its somethin wrong with the motionjoy and ps3 controller that causing driver crash? i need to use the controller though =[
I've had BSOD from motioninjoy, but never mid-game. It's only ever happened when enabling the driver, seems weird it would suddenly crash there.
As mentioned check your drivers. Specifically, upgrade your graphics drivers. After that, run some hardware monitoring programs and make sure your PC isn't over heating (CPU over 60c or GPU over 90c)
Hmm It must of been the motionjoy I pulled controller a bit to far and must of disconected it and my pc crashed...motionjoy known to effect drivers like that why it crashes pc I dont know I guess I should get a longer mini usb cord so I can play in bed without ripping it out and havn my pc crash....lol